Hunting Pictures
ACWSA Member Sharing their Hunting Pictures
ACWSA Hunting Photos

- Gretta Gearing 2023 buck
- Gretta Gearing 2015 bear
- Jim Leinicke bags a 12-pointer with his Mississippi rifle
- Dick Tessmann copes with the deer infestation at his home near Rhinelander, where we hold our Labor Day skirmish.
- Rebecca Ortwerth, daughter of Doug Ortwerth (2WI) shot her first deer in October 2017 during the early youth season in Missouri. A button buck at 116 steps.
- Pat Kaboskey (1USSS) grandson Will fishing on Pewaukee Lake 11/6/17, first Muskie, 26 lbs., 45 ” long.
- Pat Kaboskey (1USSS), 215 lb black bear taken with a 1st Model Maynard – “Just got back from my bear hunt. I was up near Lady Smith.
Had a great time ad it was exciting. I shot the bear with my
1st Model Maynard. It might be the first bear ever shot with one.
50 cal. The bear was up a tree and by the time I got there it jumped
down and ran about 750 yds up another tree. I got there and the guide
wanted me by him to shoot it about 20 ft. As I was going to him my
ammo belt slipped down to my knees and I had to waddle over to him
as the bear was coming down again. I shot it in the shoulder angling up into the neck. It still ran about 100 ft before it died. great time and Great people to hunt with.” - Pat Kaboskey (1USSS) bagged a sheep and pig on a Oklahoma hunting trip.
2016 Updates
- Dick Hanson (8WI) from Havre, Montana downed both an antelope and a deer with his CW guns.
- Karen Graff (2WI) bagged a turkey
- Roy Nelson (2WI) bagged his six-pointer with a crossbow
- Jim Leinicke s(2WI) lew his deer on the last day he could hunt, and it was only the second deer he saw all season.
2015 Updates.
- Jim Leinicke (2WI)took his yearling buck with his 1855 Springfield.
- Alex Kvalheim (2WI reenactor) took a doe opening morning
- Scott Nelson (2WI alumni) bagged his deer hunting with wife Star.
- Pat Kaboskey (1USSS) bagged a nubbin buck