Member Articles

1st WI Gray Frock of Milton Ewen Gary Van Kauwenbergh

Research Notes Corporal Milton Ewen Frock Coat First Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry On Friday, March 24, 2006, Scott Frank, Marc Storch and Gary Van Kauwenbergh, met with Wisconsin Veterans Museum Curator of Collections Bill Brewster to examine the frock coat belonging to Corporal Milton Ewen of the First Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry. [ » ]

There Stands “Old Rock” – Book Review Gary Van Kauwenbergh

There Stands “Old Rock”, by Thomas Walterman A Book Review by Gary Van Kauwenbergh There Stands “Old Rock” chronicles the Civil War from the perspective of Rock County residents. With a hefty $45 price tag, I was skeptical about buying the book, but after hearing Mr. Walterman deliver a dynamic [ » ]

Sham Battles Gary Van Kauwenbergh

Sham Battles – Gary Van Kauwenbergh Private James Northup of Co. H, 2nd Wisconsin Infantry wrote home, on 12/16/1861, that they’d been having division-sized sham battles every few days. Sham battles were apparently common when the war first started. In his recently published journal, “Eye of the Storm”, Private Robert Knox [ » ]

Joseph Bailey Book Review Gary Van Kauwenbergh

Hero of the Red River – The Life and Times of Joseph Bailey, by Michael J. Goc A Book Review by Gary Van Kauwenbergh The story of Bailey building a dam to save the Union fleet trapped by low water during the Red River Campaign ranks right up there with [ » ]

“Drifting to an Unknown Future” – Book Review Gary Van Kauwenbergh

Book review by Gary Van Kauwenbergh “Drifting to an Unknown Future” is a small paperback book of 100 pages that contains the Civil War letters sent home by James and Samuel Northup of Lodi, Wisconsin. It’s edited by Robert C. Steensma, and published by the Center for Western Studies. James, [ » ]

Rock Island Arsenal Tour Gary Van Kauwenbergh

The Rock Island Arsenal is located on an island in the Mississippi River in the Quad Cities.  It is now the largest government-owned weapons manufacturer in the United States, and it’s history predates the Civil War.  The museum is the second oldest US Army museum still operating. 31 pieces of [ » ]

1st Wis Gray Frock Coat Gary Van Kauwenbergh

The First Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry Gray Frock Coat of Corporal Milton Ewen Research Notes On Friday, March 24, 2006, Scott Frank, Marc Storch and Gary Van Kauwenbergh, met with Wisconsin Veterans Museum Curator of Collections Bill Brewster to examine the frock coat belonging to Corporal Milton Ewen of the First Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry.  [ » ]

“Confederates in the Attic” – Book Review Gary Van Kauwenbergh

“Confederates in the Attic”, by Tony Horwitz, published by Random House, Inc. Book Review by Gary Van Kauwenbergh If you want to take a break from reading history, but still want to read about the Civil War, this book is a hoot. This book does have a smattering of history [ » ]