1SC Team Page
1st Regiment South Carolina Volunteer Infantry Contact:
Sean Buckert: (586)467-2400 or Sean1scvi@yahoo.com
The original 1st Regiment South Carolina Volunteer Infantry (Gregg’s) unit mustered in at Columbia, South Carolina, as part of the provisional army. They were sent to Charleston, and were part of the forces that bombarded Fort Sumter. They were transferred to Virginia as part of Maxcy Gregg’s Brigade, A.P. Hill’s Division, Army of Northern Virginia. The regiment was made up of 11 companies, but Company D, the Pee Dee Rifles, was converted to an artillery unit known as McIntosh’s Battery or the Pee Dee Light Artillery. The First South Carolina was engaged at 2nd Manassas, Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Mine Run, the Wilderness Petersburg, and Appomattox.
At the Battle of Sharpsburg, the First South Carolina along with A.P. Hill’s Division made a forced march from Harper’s Ferry; arriving in time to turn back Burnside’s attack on Lee’s right flank, saving Lee’s army form certain destruction at the hands of the Federals. Nearly a year later, at Gettysburg, the First South Carolina was the first Confederate unit into the town square, her flag being recorded as the first Confederate banner raised above the Pennsylvania city. The First South Carolina was engaged in some of the most severe battles of the war, and suffered over 1000 casualties during the War for Southern Independence.